Thursday, December 16, 2010
Taking it slow
Things will be moving a little slow around the Osborne ranch for the next few days. My husband had surgery yesterday so I have assumed the roll of care taker, taxi driver, and pretty much anything else that is thrown my way.
Just after that we are off to Christmas vacation with the family in Arkansas. I will try to post as much as possible and show some fancy recipes.
In the mean time try to stay warm and frugal!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Today’s Blog hop!
If your here for the first time, Welcome and I hope you come back for some awesome recipes and tips on staying healthy on a budget.
Need a new printer?
She is having her annual Christmas giveaways and today is an HP printer. This thing is amazing. If you would like to enter in this giveaway click on the link below to sign up.
Good Luck!
Click here to enter
Monday, December 13, 2010
My favorite meatloaf – skinny version
Instead of: | I used: |
Whole milk | 1% milk |
Regular white bread | Low calorie honey wheat bread |
Regular ground beef | 93/7 lean ground beef |
Fresh parmesan | Reduced fat parmesan |
Everything else remains the same.
The complete recipe and original version can be found on The Pioneer Woman’s website here.
Monday Menus
I am struggling lately to make a two week menu plan with my husband home. So I am just taking it one week at a time. This is what I plan for the week.
Sunday – My favorite meatloaf (original version here curtsey Pioneer Woman but see my lean version here), with mashed potatoes and green beans ~~ 2 pts (because of the bacon slices – otherwise it would be 0 points)
Monday – Leftovers ~~ same 2 pts
Tuesday – Grilled stuffed burgers (use lean ground beef) and baked fried potatoes ~~ 4pts (Crumbled bacon bits, Hamburger bun and shredded cheese)
Wednesday – Homemade chicken noodle soup with grilled cheese sandwiches ~~ 5pts (1/2 egg noodles and a slice of cheese)
Thursday – Leftovers ~~ same 5pts
Friday – Taco Night ~~ 1 pt for two tacos!
Saturday – Buffalo chicken wraps and onion potatoes ~~ 4 pts for flour tortilla and shredded cheese
Friday, December 10, 2010
Three cheese stuffed shells
So night before last I made my husbands newest favorite dish, compliments of The Pioneer Woman (Three cheese stuffed shells) but the “healthy version. Click on the link above to get the full fat version. Below are the conversions I used to knock this down a notch!
Instead of: | I used: |
Whole milk ricotta cheese | Part skim milk ricotta cheese |
Regular parmesan cheese | Reduced fat parmesan cheese |
Regular Romano cheese | Reduced fat Romano cheese |
Regular Italian sausage | Reduced fat ground sausage |
Regular sugar | Splenda |
Regular mozzarella cheese | Fat Free mozzarella cheese |
Some might say that this takes away from the ewey gewey goodness but I didn’t feel like I was missing out on a thing!
I also made a baguette loaf and some bruschetta Fresca and you can click here to get that recipe. It is also so yummy!
100~~Almost there!
If you are here for the first time, Welcome and come back soon for some amazing recipes and tips on losing weight and saving money!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Yummy Enchiladas (3pts)
(printable recipe link)
Are you looking for a yummy dinner that is not loaded with fat.
Try Beef enchiladas with fat free refried beans and Uncle Bens Santa Fe rice.
The whole meal only ends up being 3 points.
This is a perfect example of how to take a perfectly normal recipe and turn it into a very healthy choice.
See below for the adjustments:
Use Lean ground beef 97/3 (or the closest you can find to that)
Soft fry corn tortillas with either Pam spray or Olive oil.
Use Fat free or 2% shredded cheese
Use the Santa Fe rice from Uncle Ben’s that has a brown rice mixture.
Use Fat Free refried beans and top with the same cheese mentioned above.
Top with Fat free sour cream and black beans if desired.
I haven’t had “full fat” enchiladas in a long time but I bet your bottom dollar that these taste just as good if not even better. By the way, this was my dinner last night~~ yum!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
When the new year rolls around
Now that my life is back to normal for a while I am going to dive back into posting menu plans, shopping trips and daily tips on keeping you thin and saving you a buck or two (or three or four) along the way. Stay tuned for new things in the new year!
In the mean time, enjoy the break from traditions and the random postings of my chaotic mind of the times.
When to start over on a diet?
This seems to be the biggest question I get asked and the biggest question I ask myself. This year I’ve struggled more than last year to stay on top of being in control of eating. I’ve let parties and pies get the best of me. Each week I say “This is it. I’m gonna make it the whole week” By Wednesday, I say fagettaboutit and chuck the food tracking paper in the trash.
Tip of the day:
No matter how many times you “start over” just do it! Its a struggle to lose weight and keep it off believe me but I am here for ya. Just have faith in yourself and know that you deserve the hard work and effort you are putting into it and it WILL pay off.
Today's Blog hop brought to you by…
Its Tuesday! Time for another blog hop. If you are interested in finding awesome blogs, click on the image above.
If your here for the first time, Welcome and I hope you come back often.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Two Christmas parties and a pear tree…
So we come to Christmas party #2 which I was hosting at my house. Again another night where my husband has the camera and is sure to take lots of pictures because, um well we are at our house. Again, epic failure! He did snap 4 (FOUR) photos and one looong video of the gift exchange game. Despite the lack of proof of the event, it was a major success. Everyone had a fabulous time and the food was superb. I can’t wait to do it again next year.
I was able to snap one photo of my furbaby after everyone left and the house was clean. To say the least, this is what I wanted to do after I realized that the day was over and there were no pictures of the entire weekend ~~ curl up and try to remain incognito!
Manic Mondays
If you are here for the first time, well then Welcome, take your coat off and stay for a while!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friendly Friday
Happy Friday to ALL! Today is a great day. Its the end of the working week. Its one day closer to Christmas and its FUN FOLLOW Friday! YaY. If you want to jump on the blog hop click on the picture above.
If your here for the first time, Welcome and stick around to find out some tips for eating and saving money!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Take me by the hand…
I get so many people that ask me on a consistent basis about how I lost weight and successfully keep it off (giving myself a pat on the back for two successful years). You will get a special 3 hour session with me to personally show you step by step how to get started down the path to loose weight and save money once and for all.
If you live in Central Florida and are interested in getting more information and setting up an appointment please email me at or leave a comment with your email address.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Bloggers block!
I wish I had words of wisdom today but all I hear is **crickets**.
I wish I had a great shopping trip to tell you about but my wallet is empty.
I wish I had a good recipe to share but we had homemade soup for dinner.
This morning is dragging for me so hopefully the afternoon will be better but it isn’t looking pretty from here.
I am only thrilled about one thing today and that is that I have Thursday, Friday and Saturday to look forward to!
Hope you have better luck with your day today.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What can you get for $1?
When I got to the register I wasn’t sure if I’d met the requirement to use my 5/25 coupon but I had just enough and even pulled out change to pay for my total bill!
When I got home I pondered the question of what really does a dollar get you these days? Well, lately in my house it gets me this~~
I spent $1.03 and saved 35.09! I used 4 quarters and three pennies!
Here is the breakdown for all of you wondering how -
Qty | Item | cost | coupon used |
1 | Lettuce | 0.99 | 1 - $1produe/target |
1 | Red pepper | 1.8 | 1 - $1produe/target |
3 | bananas | 0.68 | 1 - $1produe/target |
2 | green onion bunches | 1.19 | 1 - $1produe/target |
1 | yellow pepper | 1.68 | 1 - $1produe/target |
1 | tomato | 0.85 | 1 - $1produe/target |
1 | cucumber | 0.65 | 1 - $1produe/target |
2 | Kraft cheese | 4 | 1-$1 target 1 - $2.5 manufacture |
2 | Crescent rolls | 2 | 2 - .75 manufacture |
2 | chicken noodle soup | 0.99 | 1 - $1 manufacture |
2 | Theraflu | 7 | 1 - $3 manufacture 1 - $5 Store |
1 | chicken breasts | 2.74 | 1 - .50 store |
1 | Snicker bar | 0.89 | n/a |
** Used $5/25 on total |
Time for Tuesday!
Monday, November 29, 2010
A break for friends
Turkey day blues
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Back to the beginning
I am very glad you are here. You might not realize it but I need your help and support just as much as you need mine.
So here is my story in a nut shell and the reasons why I've decided to put this little blog together.
A little over a year ago, I was at my largest weight ever in my life. I was headed for a road of depression and sadness. I wasn't used to being the size I was and I wasn't sure how I'd ended up there. Every time I would grow out of a size I would just say to myself "Well when I get to a size... I will have to start working out!" and it just never stopped. I became comfortable in the size I was in. I told lies to myself to try to believe that I wasn't as large as I was. I'm not really sure what my breaking point was that made me win the battle but whatever it was I am so thankful for now.
In June of 2008, a coworker offered me an opportunity that changed my life forever. A very well known weight loss company was teaming up with a local college to do a study for a new program they wanted to launch the following year. I said to myself "What else do I have to lose!" so I join with a very close friend of mine. I qualified for the study and decided that I would set a goal to lose 50lbs during the process. I wasn't sure how it would all work out but I was willing to give it a try.
So everyone asks, "What’s the secret, what did you do different?". I am here to tell you that there are no secrets, gimmicks or tricks. My success came from changing what groceries I bought and how I prepared my food. I also had to exercise but not near as much as you would think. In my next few blogs I will lay it all out on the table. I will give you every resource that I have. I will also show you along the way how you can save money buying the things that will keep you healthy. So join me if you have the same desire to be .....
Monday, November 22, 2010
Publix (x4)
spent $1.89 and saved $45.72
spent $2.23 and saved $32.90
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Preparing a Feast

Friday, November 19, 2010
Friendly Friday
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Publix or bust
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Meeting New Friends
Bi Weekly Menu (a tency bit late)
Wednesday – **My Favorite Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and some type of vegetable
Thursday – Leftovers
Friday – Breakfast for dinner – yeah! I love breakfast for dinner. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, cheesy grits~~ you name it.
Saturday – Sweet and Tangy Fish with Wild Rice and Salad (I cut out the fish recipe from a magazine, I will add it when I get a chance)
Sunday – Hot Tortilla Soup (love love love this!)
Monday – Leftovers (Freeze the rest for later)
Tuesday – **Crock Pot Pulled Pork & coleslaw Sandwiches with chips
Wednesday – Leftovers (freeze whatever pork is left)
Thursday – Thanksgiving! Either I will be cooking or eating lol. We haven’t decided whether we are going home or not so I will finish the week as if I were at home.
Friday – Leftovers
Saturday – Leftovers lol
**Both My favorite Meatloaf and Crockpot Pulled pork come from The Pioneer Woman’s website. I reference her recipes a lot if you haven’t noticed!
Now I Remember why I bring my lunch!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Each day the quietness sets in…..
Friday, October 15, 2010
My favorite time of year
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Biweekly meal plan ~~ a day late
Since I'm busy at work I will probably start relying heavily on crock pot recipes or casseroles that I can just come home and reheat so if you have any good ones and would like to share, please do!!!
Have an awesome two weeks!
Sunday - Grilled Stuffed burgers and hot dogs with Tomato and Cucumber salad
Monday - Balsamic chicken and peppers with Uncle Ben's Jasmine rice
Tuesday - Tacos
Wednesday - Meat loaf with mashed potatoes and a veggie (havent' decided on that one yet)
Thursday - Left overs
Friday - Chimmichangas (note* I use lean ground beef or chicken instead of turkey because turkey is NOT free) with Uncle Ben's Santa Fe Rice and Fat Free Refried Beans
Saturday - Grilled Tilapia with Roasted Veggies
Sunday - Chicken Parmesan Bundles with pasta
Monday - Taco casserole (homemade recipe so I will add this when I make it)
Tuesday - Left overs
Wednesday - Buffalo Chicken wraps with oven fried potatoes (this is homemade as well so I will add it when I make it)
Thursday - Breakfast for dinner!
Friday - Homemade chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (and this too lol hence the homemade)
Saturday - Leftovers
Friday, July 2, 2010
I'm sorry, so sorry......
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Welcome Wednesday
Monday, June 28, 2010
Don’t Believe the Hype
Please don’t believe that.
I guarantee you that I leave NOTHING out of my diet. I eat my breads, carbs, starches, meats, veggies, fruits, snacks, and sometimes the ice creams, pies and cookies!
I don’t really like salads and I sure can’t live without potatoes. So, if you had a salad or a skimpy meal last night for dinner, take a look at what I had, then try to argue with me that you have to eat leaves to loose weight.
Beef Enchiladas with Refried Beans - 3pts for the whole meal (and that does include the cheese) and if you need rice add the Santa Fe rice from Uncle Bens
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Food overload
So to back track:
Sunday and Monday we did the pulled pork sandwiches and everything in this recipe is free free free and if you use your free bread that is free too! Add chips and salsa or dip if you choose too (just remember to count your points for that).
Tuesday we had the Buffalo chicken pizza. It is so easy to make and good too. It is not free but its only 2pts per slice so not bad for a pizza. To make it this low in points I use Fat free mozzarella cheese instead of regular and fat free ranch dressing.
Wednesday we had Chicken and rice tacos. These are only 1 point because I use corn tortillas but the chicken, rice, beans and mexi corn are free.
2 awards, 2 days!
So here it goes
Award #1 comes from:
A Cuppy Cake Life
Award #2 comes from:
Ingenue Mom
Both of these blogs are amazing and they were one of the first few I started following when I did start to blog. I love them both for their versatility (lol).
So the rules are I must share 7 things about myself and then award 5 new followers this award.
Thanks again to Ingenue Mom and A Cuppy Cake Life!!!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
New Friend Friday!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The busy life of a teenager
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Snack time is happy time
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Follow Me back Tuesdays!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Groceries for the Week
I decided to not do a Publix trip last week and I’m so glad I waited until this week’s sale to go. It was so much better than I hoped it would be!
I got all of the food pictured about for a whopping $25 (and saved $105!) Of course the cookies, cakes and chips are not part of my health plan, but they do come in handy when you have a teenager sitting at home during the summer time so yay for BOGO Chips a Hoy! (The Starbucks ice cream is my cheat for the week-er maybe month)
Since I didn’t purchase any meat products at Publix I still had to stop by Wal-Mart but, but because of my email I sent to corporate about their inability to understand coupons properly, I was given a $25 gift card for my troubles :) I faired pretty well there too. I got all my meats and a few extras and I paid OOP $20!
Meet and Greet Monday!
Meet and Greet Monday
Sunday, June 20, 2010
~~Biweekly Menu~~
If your just starting out reading my blog you will soon discover that I menu plan for 2 weeks at a time. Its an old habit that I started way back before I started couponing. This is what I “plan” on cooking for the next two weeks!
Sunday – Crockpot Pulled pork and coleslaw sandwiches
Monday – Leftovers and freeze whatever is left
Tuesday – Buffalo Chicken pizza (there are two recipes in the link but I’ve only made this one)
Wednesday – Chicken and rice tacos
Thursday – Upside Down pizza loaf (I will add this one when I make it)
Friday – Breakfast for dinner! Chicken and waffles with hash browns
Saturday – Bacon, onion and cheese stuffed burgers on the grill – YUM
Sunday – Ground Beef enchiladas, Santa Fe rice, and refried beans
Monday – Leftovers
Tuesday – Foil pack Bruschetta Bake (that I didn’t make last week) and Zucchini cakes
Wednesday – Southwestern Chicken and Roasted smashed potatoes
Thursday – Grilled Chicken and Pineapple Quesadillas
Friday – Crockpot tacos (I will add this recipe once I cook it)
Saturday – Grilled hotdogs or Dumplings (my son has been asking and asking for these??)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hot Tortilla Soup
Ingredients and recipe
1 medium bell pepper – diced small
1 medium red onion – diced small
8oz. cooked chicken breasts cut or shredded into small pieces
2 (10oz) cans of Ro-Tel Diced tomatoes and Green chilies
1 (4oz) can chopped green chilies
1 (15oz) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (14 1/2 oz) chicken broth
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 cup salsa
1 tsp each cumin, basil, oregano
1/2 tsp each cilantro, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, black pepper
1 oz Baked tortilla chips
1oz Fat free or Low fat Cheddar cheese
2 Tbsp Fat free sour cream
Add all ingredients listed above in a large pot and heat on medium-high, stirring occasionally, for about 15-20 min. Reduce heat to low (simmer) and allow to cook a minimum of 1 hour. The longer it cooks, the better the flavors blend.
To serve, crush 1-2 oz (to be precise it’s about 14 chips if your counting for your points)of baked Tostitos in the bottom of the bowl pour soup on top of chips and top with shredded cheese and sour cream if desired.
**I got the recipe from someone at work so I’m not sure if its a Weight Watchers official recipe or not but it is from one of their group meetings a few years back.
Free Shoes?
About 7 or 8 months ago I signed up to be a shoe tester with New Balance. Let me just say that I love this program. So far I’ve received 3 pairs of shoes from them to test.
This is how it works. You fill out the application and if they need shoe testers with your shoe size in your area they will start signing you up for test projects. They will send you a new pair of shoes to test for about 3 months. Once the test is over, you do have to send the shoes back but they provide all of the materials to send them back. I don’t mind sending them back because its like getting new shoes and sending them back once your done with them! It also is a great way to make sure I walk most days because I want to get the full use of the shoe.
If you are interested and want to see if you qualify click here.
Friday, June 18, 2010
New Friend Friday!
Join in on the fun here!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Taco Night
Last night, I think I made the final change to my meal plan schedule lol. Instead of the chicken fajitas (which I'd cooked last week), I made tacos, yay! I love tacos, well I really love anything Mexican, but I do love my tacos.
My son can devour about 4 of them. I usually can only handle two. This is the easiest thing in the world to make and one of the first things I started to cook when I switched to the new food plan. I tell people all the time that ask me that I still eat the same foods I ate before I started and I guess they just don't hear me or care to give it all a try but it is so easy.
My taco version (very similar to yours I bet!)
Lean ground beef 93/7 or 97/3 depending on which one your store sells. I've seen them both in the store. Really it just means to buy the leanest cut of ground beef you can find. Yes I know its expensive but with the money I save on using coupons, I can afford to spend extra on healthy cuts of meat and I usually try to go organic.
So ingredients are:
Lean ground beef
Taco seasoning
Corn tortillas (not soft flour and not corn tortillas from a box)
low fat or fat free cheese
fat free sour cream
cook regular like any other taco recipe and add your favorite toppings. Serve with chips and salsa or fat free refried beans.