Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Things that keep me from blogging

My pooch

1. An infected computer

2. My to do list runith over

3. Giving up a Saturday to do yard work

4. Not cooking on my stove for two weeks

5. A DVR full of the latest and greatest episodes of reality tv

6. Tornado warnings and cows flying

7. Lack of sleep ~ that’s why I saw cows flying!

8. No trips to the stores

Needless to say I haven’t been very successful this week. I also am making a change to my meal plan if you were following it.

I cooked Tacos last night because of #8!

I am cooking a different recipe tonight I found on Skinny Taste, Baked chicken with Dijon and Lime.

I have all of these ingredients at my house and I don’t need to run to the store!

Click here if you would like to print one out for yourself and tomorrow I will post the pork chop recipe, mmmm!

May tomorrow be a more productive day!

1 comment:

  1. lol, funny! love your lish!

    thanks for following!

